How to Increase the Maximum Input Variables Limit Advanced Advanced tutorials require advanced knowledge of web design concepts and languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript.
Setting a maximum input limit for variables in Wordpress requires the user to have access to the server FTP where he is hosting his website.
Keep in mind
If you do not have access to your website FTP, contact your hosting provider to give you access or simply inform him to make the modifications for you.
- Go to your site's root directory
- Open the .htaccess file there
- Edit the file and paste the code below in it
- Make sure you upload the .htaccess file back in the site's host root directory once that is done.
php_value max_input_vars 8000
Keep in mind
The recommended input variables limit for this theme is 8000.
Modifying a server setting might have unforseen consequences. If you are not sure of what you are doing or you are not proficient with changing files on a server, please notify your hosting provider and they will make the modifications for you.