Change Logo, Favicon, Analytics Novice

One of the first and basic steps you should take when setting up your website is creating and adding your logo and favicon.

Adding your logo to your website

You can easily change your logo by following these steps:

  1. Select the Theme Options from your WordPress admin
  2. Click on the Upload button to bring up the WordPress image uploader
  3. Choose the image if you've already uploaded it or upload the image for the first time
  4. Click on the Save All Changes button to save your new theme settings

Use a .png image

Adding your favicon to your website

  1. Select the Theme Options from your WordPress admin
  2. Click on the Upload button to bring up the WordPress favicon uploader
  3. Choose the favicon if you've already uploaded it or upload the favicon for the first time
  4. Click on the Save All Changes button to save your new theme settings

You can create a favicon using Photoshop. Create a 16x16 pixels image and save it as favicon.png or favicon.gif.

Adding your analytics to your website

  1. Select the Theme Options from your WordPress admin
  2. Enter your analytics code (Ex: Google Analytics)
  3. Click on the Save All Changes button to save your new theme settings
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